Code of Conduct

Cadarackque is committed to maintaining a positive school environment.   All students are expected to uphold the values and expectations of our school’s code of conduct.

The Caddy Code

  • We all walk in the halls
  • Our cell phones are out of sight – When we forget this rule our cell phones are taken to the office
  • We all use appropriate language
  • We use quiet voices in the hall
  • We remember to be courteous and kind to all


The Code of Conduct for Cadarackque Public School was developed by the staff, administration and the School Council, and was established following the Ontario Schools Code of Conduct (2000), the Safe Schools Act (2008), and the applicable policies, regulations, and procedures of the Durham District School Board.

The Code of Conduct for Cadarackque P.S. is designed to provide a framework to ensure that school is a safe, productive learning environment for all.  We ask families to review the information in this agenda, so that all parties are familiar with school expectations and procedures.  The Code of Conduct is subject to change at any time, based on directions from the Ministry of Education or the Durham District School Board.  The Ontario Schools Code of Conduct is available in its entirety on the Durham District School Board’s website.

Our Philosophy

At Cadarackque Public School, we believe that all children have the right to an education which expects and encourages them to reach their potential - academically, culturally, emotionally, physically and socially.  The staff works in a partnership with students and parents to create a positive and stimulating learning community where cooperation, understanding, and mutual respect will nurture individual growth and achievement.

Students are provided with many opportunities on a daily basis to strive towards excellence and to develop self-esteem, a sense of common purpose, and effective interpersonal skills.  Behavioural expectations are interwoven throughout the program, based on the theme of respect. Students are expected to come to school prepared to work to the best of their ability, to play safely, to be responsible, and to be respectful.

The staff will use an approach which recognizes the positive achievements and contributions of the students and which includes fair, consistent consequences to help students understand and accept the need for appropriate behaviour.  Consequences for inappropriate behaviour will be determined according to the Durham District School Board’s Progressive Discipline policy.  Support from our parents will encourage students to meet the expectations of the behaviour code and to become caring, responsible citizens.

At Cadarackque P.S. we focus on respect.  From the Provincial Code of Conduct (PPM 128), we recognize that all members of the school community, especially people in positions of authority,

are treated with respect and dignity.

The Durham District School Board believes that every student has the right to work and learn in a

safe environment.  Students are expected to respect staff, peers, supervisors, self, bus drivers, crossing-guards, lunch supervisors, parent volunteers and Guest Teachers.







All Common Areas

- Walk facing forward

- Keep hands, feet and objects to self

- Get adult help for accidents and spills

- Use all equipment and materials appropriately

- Use kind words and actions

- Wait for your turn

- Clean up after yourself

- Follow adult directions and speak respectfully to all adults

- Do not use offensive language

- Speak in a respectful tone

- Follow school rules

- Take proper care of all personal belongings and school equipment

- Be honest

- Follow our rule about hats (off your head when you enter the school)


- Keep all food to self

- Sit with feet on floor, bottom on chair, and facing desk/table

- Eat only your own food

- Do not bring nut products to school


- Use good manners

- Use a quiet voice

- Raise hand and wait to be excused

- Speak with supervisors in a respectful tone

- Only come into the school when you have a pass

- Stay in assigned seat

- Bring a litterless lunch everyday

- Bring a healthy lunch

- Clean up your area

- Place recyclables in proper containers


- Boomerang lunch programme is in place - all garbage goes home.


- Walk to and from the playground

- Stay within boundaries (not on portable steps)

- No wrestling or play fighting

- What you play must be safe and fun for everyone


- Play fairly

- Include everyone

- Follow the directions of adults on duty

- Do not use offensive language

- Speak positively

- Do not come into the school without permission

- Return all classroom balls to the class

-No food or drink

Halls, Stairways

- Stay to the right in an organized line

- Allow others to pass

- Walk at all times

- Keep hands and feet to self


- No food, drink or gum

- Use drinking fountains properly

- Hold the door open for the person in front of you

- Use a quiet voice

- Keep hands off all displays

- Get to class on time

- Do not loiter

- Keep coat rack clean

- No litter


- Keep feet on floor

- Keep water in sink


- Give people privacy

- Flush toilet after use

- Use a quiet voice

- Keep it clean

- Return promptly to class when finished

- Return to room promptly

- Do not use the washroom without permission

- Wash hands (using one squirt of soap)

- Dry hands properly

- No loitering

Arrival and Dismissal Areas

- Use sidewalks and crosswalks

- Wait in designated areas

- Do not block the front doors

- Keep hands and feet to self

- Be aware of people around you

- Choose a designated place to meet your siblings and friends outdoors                                              


- Use kind words and actions

- Line up quietly

- Wait for your turn to enter

- Clean up after yourself

- Follow adult directions

- Arrive on time

- Leave on time

- Get teacher permission to use the phone

- Enter and exit by the assigned doors


- Use equipment properly

- Follow teacher directions

- No food, drink or gum

- Wear proper attire

- Come prepared (indoor shoes, clothes, deodorant)

- Show good sportsmanship

- Return equipment to designated area

- Use an appropriate voice

-Try your best

- Be a team player, encourage others

- Have fun

- Remember to bring appropriate attire to gym class

Special Events and Assemblies

- Keep hands and feet to self

- Arrive in an orderly fashion

- Wait for dismissal instructions


- Focus on presentation

- Sit quietly and on your bottom


- Listen responsibly

- Applaud appropriately



- Keep objects, hands and feet to self



- State your purpose politely

- Obtain permission to use the phone

- Wait your turn

- Use respectful words and actions

- Respect property (yours and others)

- display feelings in appropriate ways





-Follow teacher directions       

-Walk while moving

-Push chairs in

-Use appropriate websites only




-Be careful with books, computers and other materials

-Use an indoor voice

-Return books on time and in good condition

-No food or drink


-Wear clothes that fit properly

-Wear clothing that is suitable for the weather

-No chains, cords or ropes



-No offensive language or graphics

-Shoulder straps are wide enough to cover under garments (at least the width of two fingers)

- all undergarments covered

-Skirts and shorts are mid-thigh length or longer even with leggings or tights

- headwear for religious reasons only 

-Follow guidelines outlined by safe and respectful expectations

-Be willing to change if asked to do so by a staff member



-Follow expectations for bus safety and safety expectations for specific setting of the trip

-Stay with adult supervisors on excursions



-Use a quiet voice when required

-Treat guides, presenters etc. with respect


-Return completed permission forms

-Look after personal belongings

-Adhere to expectations specific to different trips

-Listen to and follow instructions of supervisors


In the Classroom

-Enter and exit in an orderly fashion






-Speak politely to staff, guest teachers and fellow students

-Work to the best of your ability

-Treat textbooks and all school property with care


-Arrive at class on time

-Bring required materials

-Adhere to due dates

-Adhere to expectations specific to certain classrooms

-Catch up on important missed work

-Communicate with the teacher

-Ask for help when needed

Electronic Devices





-the taking of photographs is permitted with teacher permission only

-cell phone use is permitted after school hours with direct teacher supervision

-use of electronic devices is not permitted on school property without direct teacher permission

-at school, electronic devices and cell phones need to be turned off and kept in a locker or out of sight

-label your electronic devices

-store devices safely

-safety and care of electronic devices is the responsibility of the student.





Bicycles, Skateboards, Scooters, Roller Blades

- Walk and ride safely

- Watch out for cars, trucks, buses

- No riding in parking lots

- Wear a helmet

- Only one person on a bike

- Touch other’s property only with permission

- Respect the crossing guard

- Follow school rules (no biking, boarding, skating, scootering on school property)

-Store skateboards, scooters and roller blades in designated areas

- Use kind words and actions

- Keep hands and feet to self

-Lock up your bike

-Follow rules of the road