Our School

Cadarackque Public School serves a population of 690 students in grades K-8 in French Immersion and English programs in Ajax, Ontario.

The Cadarackque school community is a safe and caring one with a focus on academics, safety and character education. The school team works collaboratively to emphasize success for each student. 

For parents

The DDSB parent portal provides specific information about your child's education.

Transportation, pick-up and drop-off

Help us support a culture of respect and harmony by adhering to school bus and transportation safety rules. When driving your child(ren) to and from school, please use designated drop-off and pick-up locations. When using these locations, please wait outside for your child.

Bus Routing Information

Students are expected to demonstrate good behaviour and cooperation with the bus driver. Bus riding is a privilege, which may be lost due to improper behaviour. The school will notify parents of students whose behaviour is a concern to the safe operation of the bus or to an individual’s safety. 

  1. Be at the bus stop five minutes early.
  2. Watch for the driver’s signal before crossing the road.
  3. Board quickly and go directly to your seat.
  4. Remain seated while the bus is in motion.
  5. Eating and drinking on the bus is not allowed.
  6. If you must cross the road, walk to where the driver can see you, wait for the driver’s signal, look all ways, then cross the road.
  7. Students must travel on their scheduled bus and may not switch buses or invite a friend, even with parent permission.

Route information is available to parents on Durham Student Transportation Services.

Questions and concerns

If you have any questions or concerns about your child’s experience at school, begin by contacting your child's teacher. If you wish to meet with another staff member, contact the school office to book a meeting. Please remember to sign in at the school office when you arrive.